7pm. 20 February. Set Social.
Taylor Wimpytopia
There, a property tycoon president poised to “drill, baby drill”. Here, a government promising to “build, build, build”: The year of the YIMBY is upon us. Shills label anyone questioning new property development myopic luddites opposing progress, but will more quivers of lumpen luxury tower blocks solve the housing crisis? Surely we’re not that stupid!? TICKETS
Over a million new homes are slated for Britain, but who are they for, where will they go and how will they help? Will a million badly-built bricky boxes, strangled by cars and faux Regency ornament nurture thriving community life? Will tens of thousands of newly minted cowboy landlords make renting less hellish for those trapped in the eviction cycle?
Turncoats, a rambunctious series of events fusing comedy and debate returns to London to thrash it out. TICKETS
Upcoming Turncoats Events (dates TBA)
💔 The Ick: Modern Dating Hell
🧢 The Enlightened Lad
😈 Fuck North London
🙊 The End of Woke?
Too many panel debates are tedious, tepid and dull. Turncoats is a shot in the arm of public debate mixing humour, vodka* and robust ideas presented in partnership with the Architecture Foundation and Future Architects Front.
* vodka not compulsory ;)